Some time ago mister_electronico on the Puppy forum started the discussion of using knobs in gtkdialog code. I gave some feedback but the code never entered a final state. I have now revisited the code, and plan to use it myself.

So, here is a simple test-script to show how it works. All in all, it's just a svg that rotates the dot to show the changing value. Atm, the knob rotates when dragging mouse up/down on the knob. Maybe this should be extended to left/right actions as well. Please check out the code; it should be easy to understand with some basic bash/gtkdialog/svg knowledge.

The code:


export KNOB_WIDTH=120
export KNOB_COLOR="#A5E8B1"
export CARD_NR=0 #'aplay -l' shows your cards
export SPEAKER=Master

#initial audio level
TMP="`amixer -c $CARD_NR get "$SPEAKER" | grep -m1 'Left:' | cut -d '%' -f 1 | cut -d '[' -f 2`" #volume level
ANGLE=$(($TMP*250/100)) #convert from % to angle (0-250)
echo $ANGLE > /tmp/knob_angle

draw_knob (){ #$1=angle/value, $2=width, $3=color, $4=dot-color
echo '
<svg width="'${2}'" height="'${2}'">
cx="'$((${2}*30/100))'" cy="'$((${2}*30/100))'" fx="'$((${2}*30/100))'" fy="'$((${2}*30/100))'" r="'$((${2}*45/100))'"
<stop offset="1"/>
<stop offset="0"/>
<circle cx="'$(((${2}/2)+(${2}*4/100)))'" cy="'$(((${2}/2)+(${2}*4/100)))'" r="'$((${2}*46/100))'"/>
<circle cx="'$((${2}/2))'" cy="'$((${2}/2))'" r="'$((${2}*46/100))'"/>
<circle cx="'$((${2}/2))'" cy="'$((${2}/2))'" r="'$((${2}*39/100))'"/>
<circle cx="'$((${2}*28/100))'" cy="'$((${2}*74/100))'" r="'$((${2}*4/100))'" transform="rotate('${1}' '$((${2}/2))' '$((${2}/2))')"/>

update (){ #get current, relative position of cursor
read ANGLE < /tmp/knob_angle
Y="`getcurpos | awk '{print $2}'`"
read Y2 < /tmp/cursor_y
ANGLE=$(($ANGLE+(($Y2-$Y)*2))) #the knob's value range is equal to moving mouse up/down 125 px.
[ $ANGLE -lt 1 ] && ANGLE=0; [ $ANGLE -gt 250 ] && ANGLE=250 #keep value inside range
echo $Y > /tmp/cursor_y
echo $ANGLE > /tmp/knob_angle
draw_knob $ANGLE $KNOB_WIDTH "$KNOB_COLOR" "#eee" > /tmp/knob.svg
amixer -c $CARD_NR set "$SPEAKER" $(($ANGLE*100/250))%

export -f draw_knob update
draw_knob $ANGLE $KNOB_WIDTH "$KNOB_COLOR" "#eee" > /tmp/knob.svg

echo '
<vbox margin="20">
<timer visible="false" milliseconds="true" interval="100" sensitive="false">
<input file>/tmp/knob.svg</input>
<action signal="button-press-event">getcurpos | awk '"'"'{print $2}'"'"' > /tmp/cursor_y</action>
<action signal="button-press-event">enable:TIMER</action>
<action signal="button-release-event">disable:TIMER</action>
</vbox>' | gtkdialog -s

Be aware that this knob depends on the getcurpos command. This is included in all recent Puppies. But I doubt that you'll find getcurpos in most other distros, so I see this as Puppy-code. You should probably avoid this code if you plan to offer your gui outside the kennel.

This info is added to the Tips and tricks post

Posted on 10 May 2016, 04:09 by zigbert - Categories: Development
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